Landing Duck Cottage Weathervane with Mount

Landing Duck Cottage Weathervane with Mount

“For personalized service call 800-899-8493”

Our Landing Duck Cottage Weathervane with Mount is an ideal addition to your garden, adding a majestic and sophisticated touch. Whether you choose to place it on your roof or in the garden, its rustic design ensures that it will stand up to any weather conditions. The finely sculpted duck has realistic textures and shades, while the wings are spread wide to capture the breeze. Our Landing Duck Cottage Weathervane with Mount is not only beautiful, but it’s also a practical way to keep track of wind direction and weather changes in your area. Its unique design will add a touch of charm and beauty to any outdoor space, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a timeless piece of garden decor.


  • Landing Duck Cottage Weathervane
  • Choice of mounting assembly: An all-weather roof mount for installing directly onto your roof, or a cupola installation rod for installing inside Good Directions cupolas.
  • An assembly rod
  • Solid brass directionals 11″L x 3″H (N, S, E, W)
  • Two copper globes (2″ and 4″)


  • Assembled size: 12″L x 25″H x 16″Wingspan
  • Figure-only size: 12″L x 10″H x 16″Wingspan
SKU 804PR Categories ,